A message from the founders… 

Celebrate the full spectrum of human bodies with us! This is more than #bodypositive. Our mission is to help you become aware, accept, and embrace that we’re all different – and that it’s truly a wonderful gift to us all!
You are UNIQUE but you’re not alone! Here you will find people who understand what it’s like to be you. Join in with your HealthType, learn about the others, but most of all, please feel WELCOME! This is an inclusive space where you can explore and embrace your natural power.

Matt & Bex
What is a HealthType?

Scientists have discovered that each of us has a unique code that lies deep inside our body, in-built into our DNA. It’s what is being called our Personal HealthCode™. Your Personal HealthCode™ is 100% unique to you. It’s actually a fancy name for your biological source code that connects with your genes, influences your organ function, determines your hormone levels and emotions, and even communicates with your mind.
Because there are 7.5 billion people on the planet, there are many of us with similar (yet unique) features and functions, and because each Personal HealthCode™ can fall into 1 of 6 regions on a chart, then we can collectively refer to people sharing similar biology and physiology as sharing a similar HealthType™.
The exciting thing is that we can now access our HealthType™ by doing the groundbreaking HealthType™ Test!

Join in with your HealthType!

Become part of the HealthType community - discover health hacks, lifestyle services, relationship support, mindfulness
exercises, a whole host of supportive people just like you… and so much more.

Learn more about
the HealthTypes

then TAKE THE TEST to find out which one you are!

Want to help share the HealthType message?

If you love our ideal, we would love your help!
We are a small group of individuals, working with some incredible scientific data, who want to make a difference. The funding to support this website, the resources and programs comes from you. Your purchases, your sharing, your support. We wholeheartedly appreciate every single second and every single cent of it!
What can you do?
- Share the HealthType Test!
- Join us in-person or online for further Healthtype education
- Buy recommended products
- Suggest the precision health courses to your health professionals
- Share the parenting360 course experience with your family
- Get involved as a volunteer
- Talk to your school or workplace about HealthType education or programs
- Become an affiliate
- Suggest your product or service for review