The HealthTypes
There are six HealthTypes featured on the HealthType circle – each one with different ways to stay healthy, from being super-active to reclining on the couch! Get to know the Activator, Connector, Guardian, Diplomat, Sensor and Crusader.
The Activator
The natural athlete, usually shorter in stature, with naturally toned muscles, the Activator has a natural hourglass figure. Their hands and feet are smaller than other HealthTypes and they naturally like to stay active and busy.
The Connector
Similar to the Activator, the Connector is smaller in stature but with a broader bone structure, often with a wider chest and good, strong calves. Variety is the key for a Connector to stay happy and healthy.
The Guardian
The Guardian is the strongest of all HealthTypes, with thick, strong bones and the capacity to hold the most muscle. The Guardian is naturally a provider and conserver, and hence has the ability to store fat easily in case of famine later on.
The Diplomat
As the most naturally nomadic body, the Diplomat has a sturdy body that is strong and enduring. The Diplomat body naturally has a slower pace than others so finds it helpful not to rush about. Happiness comes for the Diplomat in comfort.
The Sensor
The Sensor is naturally long and thin, with light bones and the tendency to store very little fat. With this in mind, the Sensor is usually sensitive to the cold and requires fuel like snacks to keep their energy throughout the day.
The Crusader
The Crusader has a long, lean frame but has the capacity to hold or build more muscle than the Sensor. Their joints are of a medium size and their body is built for endurance, allowing them to push through and achieve whichever crusade they pursue.
Where do the HealthTypes come from?
Your HealthType is calculated from a series of questions about your body – things like how you handle heat, the size of your joints and comparative length of you limbs. With this information we can deduce how your body developed from the time when you were conceived. Intrigued? You can learn more about all the different HealthTypes in the Online Course available now!