about YOU!

You're an Activator HealthType and, as promised, here they are:



about YOU!

You're an Activator HealthType and, as promised, here they are:


Love that your athletic nature let's you be agile and mobile into old age!


Love that your natural competitiveness and goal orientation allows you to be successful at anything you put your mind to!


Love that when you know what you want, you go for it!

love you


Find out how to love YOU more AND what you can do to support your body so you always feel great and look your best, no matter the weather!

All you need is Shae, the revolutionary app that shows you what to love about you based on your unique biology.


Love that being fiery and expressive when you care about something (or someone) is a skill you can use to establish strong boundaries and leadership when you build self-awareness.


Although some people might not like the rebelliousness or fightful side, you can love it because, rest assured, those who love you and appreciate you are true! You’d naturally push away anyone who isn’t worthy, honest, or caring.


Love that you can be comfortable being alone, especially when you’ve developed self-love, because you have a strong inner core and you won’t be influenced by just anyone.

love your


Want the best relationships in the world? It’s all about understanding yourself and the people around you.

You can do this in a whole new way when you look at your relationships through the HealthType ‘lens’.


Love that being outgoing and dynamic while energetic and engaged makes you a natural coach, personal trainer, or mentor (even if you don’t do it directly!)


Love that, if you want to get the task done, you’ll do it! You can break down barriers and get things moving much more easily than some other HealthTypes.


Love that you can think fast, react quickly, and handle spontaneous changes of plans well. That makes you great in emergency situations, or when things get chaotic!

love your


Can’t wait to get to work in the morning? If you’re not feeling like this then you need to take the HealthType lens with you!

HealthTypes can help you to feel comfortable at work. Gel better with your colleagues. Get more work done more easily. And help give more meaning and purpose to your contribution at work.

Check in with ShaeWellness about how you can bring the HealthType lens to work!


A toned body is easy to achieve with regular physical activity, regardless of age!

love your


Looking for someone who can support you in making decisions about your health? Get in touch with a HealthTypes trained Precision Health Professional today.

what are


The HealthType system is a simple way for you discover what to love about your body and want to love about others’ too! It helps to see how we’re all different - less comparison and more compassion.

You can use the HealthTypes every day to help make things flow better. In life, love, work - anywhere there are people!

And the best thing? You can get started for free (like you did here) with the HealthType Test.

what are


The HealthType system is a simple way for you discover what to love about your body and want to love about others’ too! It helps to see how we’re all different - less comparison and more compassion.

You can use the HealthTypes every day to help make things flow better. In life, love, work - anywhere there are people!

And the best thing? You can get started for free (like you did here) with the HealthType Test.